I have customers from multiple timezones. How can i lock the timezone so that they all see one timezone?
By default Appointo shows the timezone of the customer in their timezone which means if someone is in EST while your store is in PST they will see the time as per EST timezone. Although you can Lock Timezone for the customer using the lock feature. This will ensure all the customers wherever they are in the world will see the timezone in PST timezone if your store is in that timezone.
To enable Lock Timezone please follow the steps below
General Settings -> Global Availability -> Scroll down and enable Lock Timezone
Once enabled it will show the timezone in your own timezone to all the customers
To enable Lock Timezone please follow the steps below
General Settings -> Global Availability -> Scroll down and enable Lock Timezone
Once enabled it will show the timezone in your own timezone to all the customers
Updated on: 10/08/2024
Thank you!