Articles on: Appointo - Features

I want to automatically refund when a booking is cancelled?

Appointo allows you to automatically refund a booking if it is cancelled. There are 2 ways you can do it

Refund for any booking that are cancelled

Please go to General Settings -> Store Settings -> Refund on booking Cancel.

After you enable this feature. The item would automatically be refunded once it's cancelled anywhere(Admin or Customer). While cancelling from admin you will be shown the amount that will be refunded to the customer.

Refund while cancelling the booking from admin

When cancelling a booking from admin you will be given an option to choose either to just cancel the booking or refund and cancel the booking. When you choose the option to refund and cancel you will be shown the amount that will be refunded to the customer

Please note that once a refund has been provided it cannot be undone so please use this feature carefully

Updated on: 10/08/2024

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