Articles on: Depo - Features

Depo Flows

With Depo, there are multiple ways on how you can take partial payments for your store, based on your requirements.

Explaining the flows below, one by one:

Partial Payment Flow(Manual Flow) - specific products:
With Depo, you can collect deposit payments (X% of the product price, or any fixed value Y), for the orders placed by your customers on the online store.
For the remaining balance, you can send your customers an invoice, from the Orders section in Depo and have them pay the remaining amount later, through the Invoice.

Deposits on all products (Full checkout flow) - all products, works on order level:
With Depo, you can also charge Deposits on your online store, on the order level, where the payment options show up on the cart page, regardless of the items added to the cart.

Also, the Deposit amount in this case, is based on the total order value of the items added in the cart and not for any specific products.

Deposits on Draft Orders (Draft Order Flow) - specific orders:
Depo can also help you with taking deposits on draft orders which are created through Admin, wherein, you can simply take deposits by adding the 'depo' tag to any draft order that you are creating, or for existing draft orders in your store.

Depo Flow | Automated Partial Payment - specific products:
Our Deposit app can help you take Automated Partial Payment for the use-case where you want to take X% deposit now and Y% later - also in this case the remaining balance payment would be charged automatically.

Depo subscriptions | Payment Plans - specific product, recurring payments for a set duration:
​**Create installment plans for your customers** and charge their card automatically based on the installment configuration. With the subscription/payment plans feature, you can choose for your customers to pay for a product in monthly installments, in split payments of smaller amounts.

If you still have any queries or concerns, please send us an Email at: or schedule a call with us.

Updated on: 13/08/2024

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